You land on the Scheduling Dashboard when you select the “4. Scheduling” tab on the Integrations Dashboard.
- The green slider under the Scheduling column indicates the integration is active.
- We can program a set date/time to automatically run the integration. This information is reflected in the Schedule
- This cannot be edited from the Integrations Dashboard.
- You can set notification emails, so individuals receive confirmation each time the integration runs. The email that receives these notifications is in the Notification Email
- The user can delete a scheduled run via the “Delete” button.
- Select the date/time under the Schedule column to edit the notification email address.
- You can see more information about data sync runs from the Integrations Dashboard.
- From the Integrations Dashboard, click the “Run Now” button to manually run a one-time sync outside of the preset run schedule.
- Select “View Run History” to see a historical log of all past synchronizations
- Select “View Summary” in the above screen to get more details on each object’s mapping and sync info. You also have the option to download a log file.
- The log file is helpful when troubleshooting or researching errors.